Base rate is $25/hr for 1 child and $5/hour for each additional child in that family. (due to our liability policy each family has to be charged separately)
It is at the discretion of KNI agency to determine, due to ages and numbers of children if multiple sitters are required, in which case multiple sitter rates would go into effect.
There is a surcharge if services are requested for St Thomas.
Additional fees will apply if there will be pets present, and those arrangements must be approved in advance. Those rates may vary based on the individual circumstances.
Additional fees apply to services provided between midnight and 7:00am (rate varies depending on number of children etc.) An additional surcharge of $20/hr is required for the following holidays- New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve and special event weekends such as Eight Tuff Miles or Carnival.
Additional rates may apply, if excessive travel time is required, or for paid parking.
The first step to securing your babysitting reservation(s) is to download, complete, and submit the intake form to us.
Please click here to download the printable information intake form;
After downloading and printing the intake form, please fill out and either scan or take a picture of the competed form and return as an email attachment to leslie@kidsnightin.com
Please send any inquiries, comments, or concerns to leslie@kidsnightin.com or text at (321)431-9113